My name is Ansonia and in between working in the mining industry, cleaning house, listening to music and daydreaming – I dabble with a bit of writing. One of the biggest things that I have learned, is with introspection comes insight. It’s a difficult barrier – where introspection can easily cross over to over-thinking.
I hope that whoever reads this will find it inspiring. I sometimes ramble, I sometimes expose my heart a little bit too much, but if only one person can benefit from this – it will be more than I can ask for.
Life is difficult and complicated enough as it is. We all have different experiences and different personalities, but if we relax for a minute – we have so much more in common then we realise.
I haven’t always had someone to pull me out of a dark pit when my thoughts started to spiral, but maybe, just maybe – a post on a Tuesday night can help you.